Bean Sauce Fish

Category: Sichuan 


Fresh fish 500 g
Canola oil 125 g
Ginger  25 g
Green onion 60 g
Pixian bean sauce 60 g
Garlic 50 g
Vinegar 20 g
Sugar 20 g
Soy sauce 25 g
Salt 2 g
liquid starch  100 g
Broth  750 g


  1. Have a few cuts on both sides of the fish, spread the salt on the surfaces; cut the green onions into 0.5 cm pieces, chop the ginger and garlic into grains, chop up the beans in the bean sauce.
  2. Heat the oil to about 200°C, slide in the fish and fry it till the both sides turn light brown; then push the fish to the side of the wok.  Add the bean sauce, ginger, garlic and half of the green onion to the oil and stir-fry them till the aroma comes out and the oil turns red; then add the soy sauce and broth; move the fish into the mixture.  Lid the wok and stew for about 5 minutes (add the sugar during this process.  Take the fish out; add liquid starch and stir-fry till the mixture thickens; turn off the heat and add the rest of the green onion and the vinegar.  Pour the mixture over the fish.


Modified from Popular Sichuan Cuisine second edition (1984) by Jiancheng Liu, et al.

Online since 2003
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