Dry Beef Salad

Category: Sichuan 


Beef 750 g
Chili oil  50 g 
Chinese prickly ash power 6 g
Salt 18 g
Soy sauce 200 g
Sugar 3 g
Fried peanuts 10
Green onion  15 g


  1. Boil the beef till it is done.  Take it out and slice it into thin pieces.  Cut the green onion into 1.5-cm long pieces and chop up the peanuts. 
  2. Mix the beef with salt first; then add the chili oil, sugar, soil sauce, Chinese prickly ash powder and mix them; finally add the green onion and peanuts to mix.


Modified from Popular Sichuan Cuisine second edition (1984) by Jiancheng Liu, et al.

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