Marpour Tofu

Category: Sichuan 


Tofu 500 g
Ground pork 100 g
Canola oil 75 g
Pixian Bean Sauce  50 g
Chinese prickly ash powder 1 g
Salt 1 g
Soy sauce 15 g
Garlic bolt 10 g
fermented soybean 10 
Chili powder 12 g
Liquid starch 75 g
Broth  40 g


  1. Cut the tofu into 1.5x1.5x1.5 cm3 cubes. Rinse them in boiling water and dry them.
  2. Cut the garlic bolt into 1.5 cm long pieces, chop the fermented soybeans into fine grains.
  3. Heat the oil to about 150°C, add the pork and stir-fry till the pork is dry; add the fermented soybeans and bean sauce; stir-fry till the aroma comes out; then add the chili power and stir-fry till the oil turns red, then add the salt, soy sauce, broth and tofu; add the garlic bolt three minutes later.  Add the starch immediately after the garlic bolt's color changes to dark green, let it thicken and then transfer the dish to a serving bowl.  Spread the prickly ash powder on the surface.


Modified from Popular Sichuan Cuisine second edition (1984) by Jiancheng Liu, et al.

Online since 2003
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