Quick Stir-fried Cabbage with Vinegar

Category: Sichuan 


Cabbage 750 g
Canola oil 50 g
Salt 2 g
Soy sauce 6 g
Vinegar 15 g
Liquid starch 50 g


  1. Cut the cabbage into 4x4 cm2 pieces; add 1 gm salt, mix and then let them sit for 1 minute.
  2. Mix the salt (1 gm), soy sauce, vinegar, starch.
  3. Use high heat to heat the oil to about 210°C; add the cabbage and stir-fry them till done; add the mixture till it thickens.  Serve the dish at hot.


Modified from Popular Sichuan Cuisine second edition (1984) by Jiancheng Liu, et al.

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