Bye, my TV set.

Most TV programs are not worth watching under any circumstances.  Some good programs such PBS News Hour do not justify my time to watch it alive and in its entirety.  A TV tuner and a good DVR program such as BeyondTV allow recording TV programs and watching the recordings with commercial skipping. Fast-forward button is the most frequently used button on my remote control of BeyondTV for me. I usually finish watching PBS News Hour in 10-15 minutes.

My 10-year old 26-inch RCT TV set had been rarely used for many years. Its usage is approximately equivalent to 2-year normal use  It looked and functioned like new.  I was thinking about giving it to somebody or some organization that can put it to good use for a long time.  Finally, my friend Michel, whose TV just of our order recently, could use it.  Now, it is in good hands with normal use.

I doubt that I will ever get another TV set.  TV programs will eventually be delivered over the Internet. The shift has already started.

Update (2012-06-18): BeyondTV is still a much better choice than the Windows Media Center that comes with most versions of Microsoft Windows.  It is more robust, easier to use, and has more features.

BeyondTV was no longer usable in 2014, so Windows Media Center became the choice.

Microsoft stopped supporting Windows Media Center, and it became unusable on Windows 10.

TV-tuners will fade away. Dealing with an antenna to watch a TV program and having to adjust it when switching to another channel should have no place in modern society. 

This article was updated on 20:54:34 2024-07-11