ContextMenu and ListBox of Windows Phone

Tap-hold to show a context menu for the user to make a selection, this is the function of ContextMenu.  It is very tempting to use it on smartphones because of the limited space preventing using constantly present menus.  There is a caveat in using ContextMenu - it is responsive only if the app is not computationally intensive. If the app keeps the CPU busy, tap-hold may mean holding for 10 seconds or more for the menu to show up.  

Simply showing a list (not a box) of choices that is scrollable, this is the function of ListBox. It appears to be a default choice for a simple selection.  However, the scrollable feature may ruin the usefulness of this control.  For some reason, the control may become unresponsive when scrolling kicks in.   The user may have to tap an item a dozen times before it is selected. In this case, PickerList is a far better alternative.

Hope these defects will be fixed in the future by Microsoft.

This article was updated on 00:55:10 2024-03-24