Godaddy Virtual Dedicated Server is not business grade.

A year experience of using Godaddy's Virtual Dedicated Server involving frequent extremely long email relay delays (up to a whole day), and frequent poor performance (almost daily) shows the VDS is not business grade. At one pointer, a problem of the parent server shut down our VDS.  It was noticed immediately purely by chance, and a request for addressing the problem was sent immediately.  It took almost 2 hours to bring our VDS back.  If it had not been noticed immediately, our server could have been down for many hours even a day.

It may be sufficent for some casual personal use.  I have to admit Godaddy's staff are very friendly, supportive.  Their response to support request is usually quite prompt.  Their prices are quite competitive.

This article was updated on 11:36:48 2024-04-07