Limitation of Nobel Prize

The Nobel Literature Prize to Vice Party Secretary of China Writer Association Mo Yan reminds people again that Nobel Prize awards people for their work in certain areas regardless of their personal qualities.  There have been and there will be disgraceful human beings winning the prize.

The most celebrated Nobel laureate Einstein, my childhood idol, was a womanizer with multiple mistresses. John Nash, another Nobel laureate whom the film Beautiful Mind is based on, had anything but beautiful mind.  Nash used a nurse as a sex toy for a long time, and fathered a boy who had to be moved from one foster home to another while he was a professor at MIT.  He refused to support his own son and his sex toy nurse.

Nobel laureates are just like ordinary people except they stood out in their fields.  Many people admire Nobel laureates because of their exceptional talents.  I happen to respect people based on their characters.  My admired people certainly do not include cowards, cheaters and liars.

This article was updated on 14:44:50 2024-09-14