Robert Fulford: Mao outmurdered Hitler and Stalin combined

This article by Robert Fulford was brought to the discussion of Cornell Alumni Group at Linkedin, but was removed later somehow. This fact is well known among people who have some knowledge about Mao.  The article points out a very important fact - "Mao may not have intended to kill his fellow countrymen, but he persisted in his policies long after they were known to be fatal. He dismissed critics within the government as “Rightists,” and punished them in the Cultural Revolution that followed a few years later."

This is a great article, but two points need to be made about it.

  1. The article derived its conclusion mainly from Frank Dikötter’s highly credible book, Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62. I cannot help pointing out the masterpiece on this topic by Yang Jisheng. Unfortunately, it has only a Chinese version so this is not widely known in the west letting Dikötter’s book steal the spotlight. Yang spent 10 years doing extensive research to accumulate voluminous evidence of famine that killed 36 million people. Ordinary people died in mass, and the people who had the courage to speak the truth, such as Peng,  were purged.  If Mao had stopped the mass-killing policy after knowing astronomical famine, probably the death toll would have been reduced by more than half.
  2. In case some people may think the famine was the only event that Mao killed people in large scale, it should be made clear that Mao rarely stopped political campaigns killing people after he became the de facto emperor in 1949.  These campaigns are (in chronological order) - Land Reform, Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, Three-anti and Five-anti Campaigns, Hundred Flowers Campaign (this campaign did not kill people directly, but led to the subsequent brutal one), Anti-Rightist Movement, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution (which includes Criticize Lin, Criticize Confucius campaign). Only a very small portion of the killing by these campaigns is legitimate. Let us use the Land Reform as an example, it killed over 4 million landlords and rich peasant many of whom were only moderately rich. Now, wealth disparity in China is an order of magnitude higher. The most "infamous" executed landlord Liu Wencai was portrayed as a villain.  It has turned out that many accusations against him were false, and he made great contributions to the education and economy of his region.  The most heartbreaking is the killing of countless Chinese national heroes who fought the Japanese invaders bravely during WWII under the Nationalist leadership.


This article was updated on 09:23:03 2024-03-23