Sarah Clark – an extraordinary woman

My American mom, Sarah Clark, left us to see her Lord on 2012-01-29 at the Sunday church service time.  This world lost a truly extraordinary person – loving, caring, kind, charming, bright, forgiving…

Mom was an eternal optimist full of youthful spirit.  She showed us how to enjoy and appreciate our life given by the Lord literally till her last days.  I will never forget the joy she could still bring us when I visited her for the last time.  She suffered from multiple illnesses, and had not taken any food for three days when I arrived at her hospital bed. She was apparently shutting down her body to prepare to see the Lord.   She had severe dementia, and completely lost her eyesight, but she still managed to recognize us surrounding her.  We still heard many times “I love you”, “Thank you” that she always kindly said to us whenever we were with her. She still offered me her loving kiss while holding my hand.  She still showed us how to express the excitement upon tasting a chocolate of which she could never have enough.

I miss the days of going to services at the Tabernacle Baptist Church with her and my American dad, Dale.  Their devotion and joy are infectious. The post-service lunches either at the mall or a Ponderosa, though simple, were among the most enjoyable meals I have ever had.   I still have copies of Our Daily Bread sent by mom with her writing.  Mom, I will read them again with the joy you taught us while trying to hold my tears.

Mom had the biggest and most forgiving heart.  This does not mean she did not have strong opinions. As a matter of fact, she did, and she did not hesitate to express them.  However, she seemed to be able to accept anyone with her genuine love.  It had been almost 20 years since mom and dad welcomed me into the Clark family.  I have never seen anger from her.  I noticed slight displeasure once in a great while, but it usually lasted only for seconds.

She was truly a devout Christian and a conservative naturally.   Her voting inclination needs no explanation.  She was also an independent thinker, not a herd follower.  She told me that she crossed the line to vote for President Jimmy Carter because she believed that he was a good person.  Mom, I would have done the same because President Carter is like you – a devout Christian, a faithful spouse, kind and caring.  I wish I had spent more time with you listening to your wisdom.

Mom raised a great family showering love to her kids all the time.  My American siblings returned her love by caring her to the last minute.  Georgia's tender and skilled nursing hands must have given her a lot of comfort in her last years. Jo's weekly trip of 200+ miles must have meant a lot to her.

Mom, I know you are watching and praying for us.  I miss you.  Let me end this short note by quoting the Our Daily Bread you gave me – “Because of Christ’s empty tomb, we can be full of hope”.   I look forward to reuniting with you!

This article was updated on 16:12:06 2024-03-24