The habit of Microsoft bashing

It seems to have become a fashion to bash Microsoft in the tech world since Microsoft dominated the desktop OS world.  There are two types of Microsoft bashing: 1. from people who have been immersed in Microsoft technologies, and got sick of some matters; 2. from people who have little in depth knowledge of Microsoft technologies, but just want to follow the trend.

I have been using Microsoft products, programming with its platforms and tools for a quarter of a century.  To me, there is no doubt it still has many products that are the best in their categories (e.g. Office, VS, WP7, Silverlight ...).  They do have shaky ones.  Internet Explorer is inexcusably buggy.  It is the only web browser that can actually crash a computer running Microsoft Windows. This means that Microsoft Windows has a loophole, and Microsoft IE is a product that can use the loophole to crash the OS.  The crash may be related to some plug-ins, but other browsers have similar plug-ins too.  IE certainly deserves its gradual loss of its #1 browser position.  It is not the bugs that disturb people, but the way they are addressed. In terms of Microsoft, I have been frustrated by nothing but their giant bureaucracy.  If Microsoft goes down, its bureaucracy undoubtedly will be the primary reason.

A person wrote a great tutorial on OpenGL ES which he apparently is very knowledgeable about.  Like many Apple fans, he does not forget bashing Microsoft when there seems to be an opportunity. He seems to suggest that Microsoft came up with Direct3D mainly to rival OpenGL at its inception.  Unfortunately, he does not appear to know that Microsoft was among the earliest strong supporters of OpenGL, and had a great implementation for its Windows which I fortunately used for the graphics of my PhD dissertation work.  He does not appear to know that OpenGL was not started to suit game programming for consumers, but to serve high end graphics, and this is the primary reason that Microsoft rushed to churn out DirectX to persuade game programmers to make games for their Windows OS by offering semi-direct hardware access as DOS does.  This person is a classic category 1 Microsoft basher.


This article was updated on 06:55:48 2024-03-25