The most objective poll of the CCP by its own mouthpiece's search engine


People's Daily, the CCP's major mouthpiece, has its own search Engine (  Like other search engines, it provides a list of most popular related search words while one enters a search word. If one enters the Chinese word of communist party - 共产党, a list of popular search words containing 共产党 show up as illustrated by the screenshot. Here are the English translations:

    • communist party is the source of all evils.
    • when communist party is going to perish
    • communist party online
    • communist party too corrupted
    • communist party going to perish
    • princelings of communist party
    • communist manifesto
    • communist party the most corrupted
    • shameless communisty party
    • what time communisty is going to perish.


This article was updated on 14:43:03 2024-09-14