The nuisance of English Sparrows and an inexpensive hi-tech method to spook them

Since its introduction to America in the mid-19th century, English Sparrows have gradually become a nuisance due to its large population and aggressive behaviors.  English Sparrows have been observed threatening and attacking 70 species of birds that have come into their nesting territory. One study showed they reduced reproductive output of a barn swallow colony in MD by 44.7% over a four year period. They may also steal nesting material, slowing down breeding.

At a birdfeeder, unlike many other birds that grad the feed and enjoy it somewhere else, English Sparrows stay in the birdfeeder, driving away other birds, making a mess by spitting and dropping.

There are many ways to manage them with different degrees of difficulty and success. I recently experimented with a wireless doorbell to spooke them. It has turned out to be quite successful.  The following is a video showing how an English Sparrow fled upong the sound of doorbell.  The wireless doorbell can be bought for less than $10.


This article was updated on 23:33:09 2024-03-23