Tibetan Self-Immolation

Muslims have suicide bombers to kill their enemies while committing suicide.
Tibetans commit suicide to show their enemy how much they suffer.
When I was a kid, I saw brave Tibetans in my hometown Chengdu helping Han Chinese fight criminals when Han Chinese victims chickened out.  When will Han Chinese lend their hands to save Tibetans instead of demonizing their beloved Dalai Lama?

The Holiness Dalia Lama is not splitting China, but the CCP is splitting China by creating animosity among Tibetans.

51 Tibetans have been confirmed to have self-immolated inside Tibet since February 27, 2009
43 men, eight women
40 of the 51 are known to have died following their protest
30 of the 51 are from Ngaba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province
10 of the 51 were monks at Kirti monastery in Ngaba
10 of the 51 are former monks at Kirti monastery in Ngaba (It is currently not known who of the nine chose to disrobe, or were expelled from the monastery by government authorities)
Two of the 51 were nuns from Mame Dechen Chokorling nunnery in Ngaba
50 of the self-immolations have occurred since March 16, 2011

This article was updated on 14:39:35 2024-09-14