Windows Phone App Certification

Microsoft touts the average Windows Phone app certification time is 1.8 days.  I am not sure how accurate this is, and wondering if this average includes private beta submissions.  The beta submissions enjoy automatic certification, and they take about 10 hours to complete.  If beta sumbmissions are included in the average, the 1.8-day certification time will not be very meaningful.

The following is a list of actual certification times of only regular submissions (i.e. no beta submissions):

AppCertification Time (day)Certification ResultActual Publication Time (day)
A Resubmission4Passed6
C Resubmission4Passed5


Please note that the times may include weekends. Certification time is the time between a submission and the email message from Microsoft notifying the certification results.  Actual publication time is the time between a submission and the time whne the app is ready for downloading.  The notification message is known to be misleading - it notifies about an event that is yet to take place.


The current average certification time: < 24 hours.

This article was updated on 23:12:31 2024-05-30